More than 50 Jiang farmers participated in the training class

More than 50 ginger farmers participated in a two-day training seminar organized by the Fiji Crop and Livestock Commission, which was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Fiji Ginger Farmers Association.
As part of value chain analysis and market development, ginger growers, as the main participants in the ginger production supply chain, should have high skills and knowledge.
The overall goal of the seminar is to strengthen the capacity of ginger growers, their clusters or producer organizations, and key stakeholders so that they have the right knowledge, skills and tools.
Jiu Daunivalu, CEO of the Fiji Crop and Livestock Commission, stated that this is to ensure that farmers have a comprehensive understanding of the ginger industry.
Daunivalu said that the common goal is to achieve sustainable production, meet market demand and support farmers’ livelihoods.

Post time: Dec-27-2021